We made a book
During our journey for a world with less plastic, we were amazed by the valuable ideas and initiatives which are out there. And we were fascinated by the fabulous people who put all their creative and enthusiastic energy into this mission. It was obvious for us to write it down in a lovely book for you. And here it is:
Beautiful • Inspirational • Informative
In this book we invite you to learn about 85 innovative and gorgeous solutions that reduce or replace single-use plastic products. We also present exciting initiatives with the goal to fight against
our society’s plastoholic behavior and the problems related to plastic pollution. Also we talk to people who contribute for the good and we share our view of the BEYONDPLASTIC adventure.
SO LONG, PLASTIC! celebrates the participants of the BEYONDPLASTIC Award, which honors the excellence in eco-design with the motto: ʻLet us start a product and packaging renaissance across the world!ʼ

We love making books

A note from the editor
And this is your book
• Release date: May 2021, First Edition, ISBN: 978-3-00-067649-9
• Format: 22 × 26,5 cm, full color offset print, hardcover, open stitch binding, 160 pages, English language
• Sales Price: 34 Euro
We are happy to receive your order:
Good news for Award participants: We make you a special price. Please contact us to receive your Discount code!
With buying this book you support the BEYONDPLASTIC movement. Great for having you on board. Thank You!
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BEYONDPLASTIC is an initiative and affair of the heart created by Ulrich Krzyminski, an entrepreneur, engineer & inventor with an industry insight in the printing & packaging industry.
Katie Holloway is doing the PR work with her communication agency Cocoon Communications which supports eco-friendly and sustainable businesses with their marketing activities.